Tragedy as Second Baby Dies After Mother Gives Birth to Septuplets in Mexico
Gerard Couzens - Daily Express
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September 14, 2015

A woman gave birth to seven babies in the town of Celaya in the first-ever birth of septuplets in the central Mexican state of Guanajuato. (Abid Katib/Getty Images)

The baby boy, born weighing just 20.4 ounces lost his fight for life at the weekend, nearly two days after his smaller sister died hours after birth.

The remaining three premature girls and two boys continue to be monitored round the clock at a specialist intensive care unit at a hospital in Celaya in the northern Mexican state of Guanajuato.

Maria del Rosario Hernandez Tovar, 30, is recovering from a C-section at the same hospital.

Regional health chiefs said her son had suffered a lung haemmorhage linked to his early birth as well as metabolic acidosis which occurs when the kidneys cannot remove enough acid from the body.

Teacher Maria, who already had a six-year-old boy with laborer husband Ramiro Cancino, 31, gave birth last Thursday after undergoing fertility treatment.

The couple were originally told Maria was pregnant with eight children, although one of the unborn babies failed to grow inside her.

She was admitted to hospital on August 10 after suffering complications.

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