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About Us • The Thrift Store • How You Can Help

The Circle of Concern was founded by George and Betty Wakeling. George was awarded a Presidential Citation by President George Bush for devoting over 30 years in helping nonprofit organizations.

Among his accomplishments are the key role he played in developing such successful organizations as Orange County Teen Challenge, the Hot-Line Center and Concept 7.

The Circle of Concern is not your ordinary charitable organization. We seek out small, struggling charities and help them grow and flourish by providing administrative support and advice, networking contacts, financial support or connections. We endeavor to help those who are in the business of helping others.

We also provide opportunities for individuals who want to experience "hands-on" ministry by organizing and sponsoring affordable trips to orphanages (in cooperation with the Foundation For His Ministry).

Circle of Concern brings physicians, optometrists, dentists, construction teams and children’s activities into destitute communities.

We are always connected to organizations in need. Our website is updated on a regular basis. There are ever-changing immediate needs for human and economic resources. Our website is a great place to check out our upcoming trips... plan to come minister with our team!

The Circle of Concern is headquartered in San Clemente, California. We have specific outreaches in Orange County, including aid to single moms, widows, and their children. We have the discretion to help individuals: a hungry child, a frightened and homeless pregnant girl, someone who needs a jacket to stay warm at night. The kind of people whose problems are "too small" for most groups.

Our church planting partner, La Fuente Ministries, exists to establish new churches for this generation.

The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. It is time to provide for the great harvest in Mexico. Once churches are planted, this needy area is provided for on a continual basis.

Here is what happens when churches are planted.

• The gospel is consistently preached.
• The poor and needy are helped.
• Orphans and widows receive ongoing care.
• Prisoners are visited.
• Youth are transformed.
• Addicts are rehabilitated.
• Families are restored.
• In other words, Jesus meets the needs of the world through His church.

A church insures an ongoing return on your heavenly investment.

Have you ever considered going on a mission trip but decided it is too risky, too much planning, too far, too much money?

Put all of those nagging questions aside.

Just 25 minutes North of Puerto Vallarta, Bucerias is an outreach that will provide you with an awesome ministry opportunity without any of the concerns. With our many mission trips we have established 2 Christian church plants and are ready to continue outreach to the area.

The Circle of Concern Thrift Store

For those who support us closer to home, we have a Circle of Concern Thrift Store at:

4134 Orange Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90807

The Circle of Concern Thrift Store supports: abused and neglected children, children who have an injury or illness that would be life-threatening without medical attention, battered and homeless women, American Indian causes, medical, dental and vision care through orphanages, clinics & schools in Mexico and other third world countries.

All of the reusable items you donate are sold at this store. "If you’ve got it, but don't want it, we sure need it..."  especially clothing of all types and sizes, bedding and draperies, housewares, baby items or just about anything you can think of in your house that you no longer need as long as it is in useable condition. Your donation is tax deductible and a receipt will be left at your door at the time of pickup.

Please note that we pick up weekly but ONLY in the following cities:

. Aliso Viejo
. Dana Point
. Irvine
. Laguna Hills
. Mission Viejo
. Rancho Santa Margarita
. Trabuco Canyon
. Yorba Linda     
. Anaheim Hills
. Foothill Ranch
. Lake Forest
. Laguna Niguel
. Orange
. San Juan Capistrano
. Villa Park

For Thrift Store pick up, call 1-800-499-5121.

How You Can Help Circle of Concern

Most of us would like to help others but, somehow there never seems to be enough time. So we do nothing. And feel guilty.

When you give to Circle of Concern, every dollar you donate is magnified by the men and women who put your dollars to work.

Your donation can take many forms... not just cash, check, or credit card. We can accept used household items, furniture, toys, books, shoes and clothing at our thrift store. For Circle of Concern Thrift Store pick ups, call 1-800-499-5121. Our truck makes weekly pick ups in most Orange County cities.

You can donate a vehicle (car, truck, boat, R.V., camper) through our "Cars of Care" program. We also accept donations of stock and real estate.  (Consult your tax advisor for specific tax advantages.)

You can also support Circle of Concern by assigning your United Way contributions to us.

We have opportunities for ALL ages, talents and interests who desire ministering in a practical way to neglected families and children. We offer short and long-term mission projects that can be customized to suit your group.

Other Ministries that may interest you or your group are: evangelism, discipleship, construction, repair, medical, dental and vision clinics, VBS and surf camps to name a few.

Become involved in "Haciendo una Diferencia" - "Making a Difference".

Last updated: June 20, 2023 · Charity ID: 922

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We All Lose When Charities Compete. They Should Join Forces

The Chronicle of Philanthropy

Research suggests greater competition among nonprofits marginally increases aggregate donations but reduces average donations per organization. Fundraising costs also escalate with greater competition. Read more >>>

We invite you to add your charity or supporting organizations' news stories and coming events to PVAngels so we can share them with the world. Do it now!

Contact Circle of Concern
Send us a message

US: 949-388-6400
Contact: George Wakeling
PO Box 636
San Clemente, CA 92674-0636

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