The objectives of Estero el Salado is creating actions and guidelines involved in conserving, restoring and maintaining the resources of the protected natural area as well as the other areas of the Puerto Vallarta/Banderas Bay region.
We participate in:
Estero "El Salado", is located in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco.
It is considered an urban estuary because it is surrounded by the urban area of the port.
It comprises a surface to protect 168-96-50 hectares, of which approximately 135 hectares correspond to vegetation of mangroves and marshes; the rest is formed by two remnants of medium semi-deciduous forest bordered by sequences of elements of aquatic and underwater vegetation, thorny forest and secondary vegetation.
The connection to the ocean is permanent, through a channel of about 20 meters in width, 3 meters deep and 2 kilometers in length which flows to the port.
Its components of landscape and Habitat are favorable for migratory birds and the development of the life cycle of mammals and reptiles, such as the Crocodile River.
Geographically located between Parallels 20° 39' 21" and 20° 41' 37" North latitude and the meridians 105° 13' 34" and 105° 15' 51" West longitude.
We strengthen the scientific research lines that promote conservation, knowledge, management and the use of the natural resources of the area.
Our activities include:
We constantly monitor:
We also establish and operate hiking trails, design & establish a center for environmental educatiion, preparation teaching materials & support, and develop training courses and workshops.
Flora: For the El Estero Salado, there are four identified types of vegetation: medium semi-deciduous forest, mangrove swamps, marsh and aquatic and underwater vegetation. In addition, are sequences of these elements caused by anthropic activities.
The medium semi-deciduous forest is composed of 15 species belonging to the dominant 8 families. It has an approximate area of 2 square kilometers, divided into two small areas located at opposite ends of the estero (near the mouth and head). The species represented are Excel Acrocomia Mexicana, Orbygnia Cohune, Pitechellobium Lanceolatum and three species of Ficus.
The mangrove is the dominant vegetation of the region. It covers 125.6 hectares of the area. Three species of mangrove are distributed perpendicular to the single channel of the estero: Rhizophora Mangle, Laguncularia Racemosa and Avicennia Germinans. There is greater coverage by the latter species.
Pithecellobium Lanceolatum, P. Dulce, Acacia Hindsii and A. Micrantha are representatives of the spiny forest, which forms a belt stitching in the limits of the estuary and surrounding human settlements, that does not exceed the 0.5 square kilometers. Although, along with the medium semi-deciduous forest, they dominated the lands that today is invaded by human settlements and areas of crops.
The marsh or pasture borders the mangrove area and has an area approximately 32 hectares and the main species are Sporobolus Splendens and Batis Maritima, which are widely distributed. These lands have the particularity of flood effect of tides and during the rainy season, forming streams flowing into the main channel of the estero.
Aquatic and underwater, vegetation comprises 15 species, distributed mainly to the edge of the of water close to the head of the estuary, as well as small holes of old brick factories in the area. Best represented are Thypa Domingensis, Pistia Statiotes and Salix Humboldtiana, characteristics of the tular and gallery forest. In addition there are large areas dominated by Mimosa Pigra. These spaces do not exceed the 0.4 kilometers.
Fauna: Studies in the area has identified over 100 bird species, grouped into 23 families, both as terrestrial aquatic habits.
The presence and abundance of these species in each of the studies throughout the year is different.
More than 29 amphibians and reptiles, and 10 species of mammals, besides a variety of invertebrates and fish,
characteristic in mangrove zones, have been identified.
It is important to highlight the presence of other animal groups in the area, with some level of vulnerability and others with potential for use.
Among the reptiles is the Green iguana (Iguana Iguana), the garrobo (Ctenosaura Pectinata) and river crocodile (Crocodylus Acutus).
The raccoon (Procyon Lotor) and the opossum (Didelphis Virginiana) are mammals that have been observed in the mangrove swamp.
In the marshland and mangrove swamps are abundant populations of Fiddler Crab (Uca Crenulata) and the Cajo or Moorish Crab (Cardisoma Crassum).
It should be noted that the estero houses a large number of specimens of flora and fauna considered in the categories of protection of the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2001 and the NOM-022-SEMARNAT-2003.
The ANP Estero El Salado is open to all persons who want to help in performing our social services and professional practices.
You can help by contacting the ANP personnel to report any concerns and establish the possibility of joining a project or generate new information on the basis of the proposal of work, which requires a written request issued by the educational institution or unit.
The letter needs the following information:
Last updated: June 3, 2023 · Charity ID: 212
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+52 322-201-7361
Av. Francisco Medina Ascencio 3544
Villa Las Flores, CP 48335
Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco
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