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Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ) works with programs and projects of prevention, treatment, social reintegration, research and human resources development (HDR) in the field of addictions for juveniles and adults.

Through the years, the institution has extended its structure, programs and services based on a shared commitment with the society and a renovated spirit day by day.

What is CIJ?

Centros de Integración Juvenil, A.C. (CIJ), Juvenile Integration Centers, is a non-profit civil association incorporated into the Health Sector.

The association was founded in 1969 with the aim of addressing drug use among the young. At that time, this was just an emerging public health problem.

The pioneering work and vision of an organized community group, headed by Madam Kena Moreno, who was interested in countering drug abuse and raise awareness of various walks in the country about this problem, materialized with the establishment of the Center for young drug addicts, which later added efforts of various agencies and people, including federal authorities and the community in general.

CIJ has over 50 years experience and activities are aimed at the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and scientific research on the drug consumption in Mexico. With the passing of the years, the institution has expanded its structure, programs and services, based on a commitment shared with society and a renewed spirit day by day.

Mission: Provide prevention and treatment services to address drug use, based on scientific knowledge and to train specialized human resources.

Vision: Continue providing quality services in prevention, treatment, research and training in the field of addictions at national and international levels in response to existing epidemiological trends.

Objectives: Contribute to the reduction of demand for drugs with the participation of the community through programs of prevention and treatment, based on the evidence to improve the quality of life of the population.

CIJ is an agency of the State, and since September of 1982 has been regulated by the Minister of Health and has been subject to the regulations issued by the federal Government for the parastatal entities.

Since October 2, 1973, CIJ is constituted as a Civil Association under the rule of a General Assembly of Partners and a National Board of Trustees, composed of leading figures in the community with great interest in the institutional work. The General Assembly of Associates is the supreme organ of the Association, consisting of active and honorary members.

The management, administration and legal representation of the Association is in charge of the National Board, the executive organ of the General Assembly of Associates.

Treatment and Rehabilitation at Juvenile Integration Center

For treatment, it is only necessary that the person with the drug, alcohol or tobacco problem to come to the CIJ facility Monday through Friday, from 8:00 am until 7:30 pm.

If the consumer refuses to attend CIJ, we recommend that family and friends attend guidance meetings.

To receive care in the CIJ considers the following clarifications:

1. You or any family member consumes alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs.

2. An appointment must be made via telephone, email or in person.

3. It is asked that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment.

4. The initial consultation fee is presently 70 pesos.

After the initial meeting, you will be provided a calendar of appointments for the future.

The CIJ has health personnel specialized in the care of smoking, alcoholism, and other addictions. CIJ has five essential services:

Early Intervention: For young people who are beginning to consume alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. The intention is to prevent them from developing an addiction and help to acquire healthy lifestyle habits. The intervention is brief and includes psycho-social therapies. Young people and their parents come to the consultations.

Basic External Consultation: For people who have problems of abuse or dependence on alcohol, tobacco, or other drugs. The aim is that people stop the consumption of these substances. Consultations are one or two times per week, approximately one hour in length. There are also services for family members. Schedules are flexible.

Intensive External Consultation: For those who have a problem of drug dependence. People attend the CIJ for at least three days a week for four hours or more per day. They participate in therapies and medical and psycho-social rehabilitation workshops. Treatment can last from one to three months, according to the recovery of the individual.

Hospitalization: Residential treatment in a therapeutic community model is an efficient and effective modality for chronic patients who have not had success with other modalities, this is because the subject is kept in an environment protected, highly structured and staffed by an interdisciplinary team of professionals, under medical supervision and psychotherapy and psycho-educational activities with cognitive behavioral approach whereby the patient relearns to communicate and to adopt healthy lifestyles.

Maintenance and Addiction with Methadone: The program of maintenance and addiction with Methadone, which is supported in the public policy of reduction of health consequences, having the following clinical objectives:

  • Interrupt the cycle of intoxication - withdrawal;
  • Dramatically reduce consumption of other illicit, opiates and other drugs;
  • Reduce the risk of death by overdose;
  • Reducing behaviors of risk and transmission of threatening as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis B and C infections;
  • Reduce antisocial behavior (criminals);
  • To encourage adherence to treatment.
As for Our Needs, There Are Many...

• Volunteers to help us with the promotion, prevention and development of various activities

• Computers, printers and supplies

• Teaching materials

• Sporting goods such as: balls, box gloves, mittens, masks, etc.

• Furniture: File cabinets, cabinets, shelves, desks, work desk, etc.

• Awnings

• Cleaning articles

• Among others...

Last updated: February 27, 2020 · Charity ID: 419

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Juvenile Integration Center

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