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Vallarta Rehabilitation Clinic is a specialized addiction rehabilitation center providing high quality professional care services for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of substance abuse dependence and transformation through a new lifestyle identity in the context of community interaction.

Alcoholism Treatment

If you or someone in your environment suffers from substance abuse, you now have the opportunity to make a change in your life with the rehabilitation program at Vallarta Jalisco Rehabilitation Clinic. The program has been successfully used around the world by hundreds of people to escape substance abuse dependence and regain their family, lost friends, jobs, and homes; recover and create a new future. 

Substance Abuse Dependency Centers

Rehabilitation centers for alcoholics and drug addicts may be the first option for hundreds of families who, unaware of the disease of alcoholism and drug addiction, place their family members in these centers, believing that it is only a passing vice and that they need punishment. This is a big mistake. Drugs and alcohol generate profound changes in the brain of the addict, which can lead to an unstoppable obsessive compulsion that needs specialized medical attention and pertinent professional treatment.

The Seduction of Substance Abuse Dependency

What makes an addictive relationship so attractive is the change in mood it produces. That's how it always works, and that's guaranteed. Addicts think they will get a mood change if they use certain substances. RECOVERY What is new and different makes us fearful, afraid, anxious, uncertain, anxious. It is normal that after having lived under a certain lifestyle, changing habits, ways of relating, ways of perceiving and facing life, beliefs, and attitudes, we experience these types of feelings. Even people considered "healthy" experience this phenomenon. The remarkable thing about this fact is that we can face them and solve them by attending to healthy ways such as those involved in recovery.

Recovery is a process by which the addicted person interrupts the progressive deterioration that is typical of this disorder and begins a steady recovery. Complete abstinence is the necessary first step to recovery, which must also be accompanied by lifestyle changes aimed at promoting and maintaining abstinence and a better quality of life. The road to recovery leads to sobriety. When we talk about sobriety, we are talking about leading a meaningful and comfortable life that promotes continued physical, social, and spiritual health.

Become a Partner for Change

Being a Partner for Change can have a different meaning and application to each of us depending on our role, our location, our clients, our relationships. But no matter where you are or who you are, you can be a Partner for Change. Click here to get started today.

Puerto Vallarta Offers Quality Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers

Vallarta Opina

The State of Jalisco has 250 rehabilitation centers on record, of which 19 are located in the municipality of Puerto Vallarta. Sixty-nine of the centers are recognized at the federal level according to the Secretariat of Health Jalisco. Read more >>>

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Celebrate a Healthy Lifestyle

Health and WellnessFrom activities like hiking, swimming, bike riding and yoga, to restaurants offering healthy menus, Vallarta-Nayarit is the ideal place to continue - or start - your healthy lifestyle routine.

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