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Fondo Mexicano para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, A.C. (FMCN) is a private, non-profit organization that allocates financial resources for nature conservation, connecting the various actors that have a role to play in protecting Mexico’s vast biodiversity.

Our Mission

To conserve Mexico’s natural heritage by connecting across sectors and delivering strategic financial and technical resources.

Our Vision

Our ecosystems recover their health and continue to support our population in perpetuity.

Our Integrity

We adhere to the highest ethical standards driven by equality, honesty, fairness, accountability and transparency.

Our Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan is the backbone of our organization. It guides each and every one of our actions and allows us to measure our progress toward our institutional mission. It addresses internal objectives as well as four external objectives: conservation, sustainability, environmental responsibility, and capacity building. The current Strategic Plan (PDF) was conceived based on the CONABIO’s National Strategy for Biodiversity, which is aligned with the international objectives set by Mexico: the Aichi Biodiversity Targets and the Sustainable Development Goals; in addition to the document Biodiversity Conservation in Mexico, which contains proposals that civil society has identified to conserve our natural capital.

Created in 1994, we are a civil society organization that collaborates with different sectors to preserve the natural heritage of Mexico. Our motto, “To conserve is to build a future,” inspires us to work hand in hand with all sectors to ensure a sustainable future in which we can all continue to enjoy the natural capital that surrounds and sustains us.

FMCN is one of the most effective environmental funds in Latin America.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have a project and I am looking for financing. Can FMCN help me?

Generally, FMCN grants financing solely to formally-established civil society organizations (non-profits). We do this through specific calls for grants that we periodically publish on our website, and that are aligned with our strategic objectives and priorities. We serve as a bridge and ally to these organizations and their conservation field work and we have a pre-established procedure for these grants. Visit the Grants and Opportunities sections on our site and follow us on social media to stay up-to-date on all the calls that we open.

I want to help out. Can I volunteer or intern with FMCN?

We really appreciate your interest in FMCN. We have opportunities for collaboration in office-oriented activities within communications and data systematization. If you are interested in supporting FMCN in these areas, write to us at explaining your interest and attaching your CV.

I would like to work at FMCN. Can I join the team?

FMCN only hires following the publication of particular job openings. These are all posted on our website in the "Jobs and Calls" page and on our social media accounts. Please check these pages periodically, and if you feel that you're a candidate for an opening, carefully read its Terms of Reference and send in your application. We also post work opportunities from other organizations, so remember to check those out too. Jobs and Calls

Help! I want to report something that is negatively affecting the environment.

For FMCN, it is important to be aware of what is occurring in different parts of the country, however we do not have the capacity for responding to illicit activities. If you would like to report an illicit activity degrading the environment, contact the Mexican Federal Environmental Protection Agency: PROFEPA

I am from the press and I'd like to interview someone from FMCN regarding an environmental topic. Who can I contact?

Please write to with your request, explaining your objective and providing context on the subject matter as well as the prepared interview questions. Please also indicate the publication medium and relevant dates. Be advised, we may take up to 48 hours to respond due to internal processing procedures.

I'd like to donate a larger sum, or I have a fundraising idea for FMCN. What is the process and who should I contact?

Thank you for your interest in supporting FMCN and our conservation work! Please write to with your request or idea.

A project managed by FMCN is impacting me or my community. How can I file a complaint?

Please write to Learn more: Grievance Redress Mechanism (PDF)

Last updated: October 21, 2022 · Charity ID: 227

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