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About Us

Actívate is a digital platform made up of tools that promote citizen participation where any citizen, group, movement or organization can generate activations to change realities.

We live in a society where human dignity, freedom, justice and democracy are not respected and this is the result of citizen apathy and social division in which we live.

Every day we face different social problems that are the result of political actions, or lack of actions, on the part of decision makers and to face this it is important that people become active. We need to be informed and have the necessary tools to facilitate social participation.

Actívate is that social tool that seeks, through activations, to inform in an efficient and truthful way the social problems that are experienced in Mexico and allow all people to be part of social change.

When an activation is published, it goes through a process of information verification so that you can be sure that what is happening is real. In addition, strategies are generated with the group, movement, organization or person who publishes the activation to obtain concrete results that can lead to citizen victories.

In Actívate you can be sure that the social problems you are concerned about and support will be defended, promoted and progress will be made to achieve victory.

In Actívate you get informed. In Actívate you participate.

We activate causes to change realities. Mexico needs you, no matter where you are in the world.

This material was translated from Spanish using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Last updated: June 16, 2023 · Charity ID: 964

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Partnered for Change

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