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We are the Instituto Municipal de Atención a la Juventud [IMAJ], the youth house of the City Hall of Puerto Vallarta. We generate programs and projects oriented to promote the integral development of the youth. A space for free expression, communication and entertainment for the new generations. In an indirect way we channel young leaders to a real inclusion in citizen policy issues.


Commitment to contribute to the integral development of young people, to provide them with greater opportunities for self-improvement, welfare and inclusion in the various spheres of society. Generate policies through which young people find real answers that allow them access to programs and projects implemented by the Municipal Government to solve their problems and interests and that facilitate their insertion into social and working life, thus promoting their full integral development Promotion and dissemination of Vallarta and general culture through various attractive programs for young people.


To be the guiding and referent agency in the area of youth, in which young people are recognized as subjects of rights and strategic actors of current development.


  • Inclusion. Recognize and integrate the diversity of young people.
  • Commitment. Is to make a commitment to oneself, to one's values and to one's work. The performance of the exercise implies taking knowledge of this Code and accepting it for its due compliance.
  • Empathy. It is to put oneself in the place of the other person or individual in the processes of communication, work relationships or decision making.
  • Effectiveness. It is to perform a task correctly, taking advantage of the resources for the young people for whom they are intended.
  • Humility. It is to act with a sensitive and supportive attitude of respect and support towards society.
  • Respect. Young people should be seen as allies and subjects of rights.
  • Transversality. Ensure that the youth perspective is immersed in government.
  • Responsibility. It has two requirements; Freedom for there to be responsibility before the actions have to be performed freely. There must be a norm from which to judge the actions carried out.

This material was translated from Spanish using AI technologies. Errors may exist due to this process.

Last updated: June 22, 2023 · Charity ID: 552

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