Memory Loss: Is It Just Age-Related or Alzheimer’s Disease?
Kendall K. Morgan - WebMD
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January 29, 2024

We all forget things sometimes, especially when life gets busy. You may start to notice this happening more often as you get older. Mild memory loss can be a normal part of aging. It doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have dementia. Only 1% of people over age 65 with normal age-related memory issues will get dementia each year.

When Forgetfulness Is a Problem

If memory loss makes it hard for you to handle your daily tasks, that's a sign you shouldn't ignore. Are you forgetting things you only just heard? Asking the same question over and over again? Relying on lots of paper or electronic reminders just to get through the day? Talk to your doctor if you or your family notices that happening to you.

Can't Find Your Keys

Most of the time when you forget where you've left something, like your keys or your glasses, you should be able to think back, retrace your steps, and find whatever it is. If you notice you're losing things all the time and you can't go back and spot them, that's a common sign of a bigger memory problem.

What's the Word for It?

It's normal to have trouble finding the right word sometimes. Or you might use a word the wrong way. Not to worry. But people with Alzheimer's disease often start to have real trouble talking or writing. They might find it hard to recall the right term for familiar objects or the name of somebody they know well. If you're struggling with names, words, or what to say next, it may be a sign of more serious memory loss.

Take a Memory Test

If you aren't sure if what you're going through is just regular aging, a doctor can help you figure it out. They'll know if the memory loss you have falls within the normal range or not. Your doctor will ask you questions and may ask you to take a series of tests. They may also check you for other problems that can look like dementia, such as medication side effects or depression.

Is There Anything I Can Do?

If your memory is OK but you're still worried, there may be something you can do about it. People who spend time reading, solving puzzles, or otherwise staying engaged are less likely to get Alzheimer's. It's possible that these activities can help you to keep your mind sharp. It's also a good idea to lower your stress, eat right, and exercise.

Read the rest at WebMD

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