Here’s How Trump’s Administration Has Threatened Human Rights Around the World
Jesselyn Cook - The Huffington Post
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May 1, 2017

#TrumpWatch: 100 Days, 100 Threats Against Human Rights (Amnesty International)

Activists at Amnesty International have catalogued 100 ways Donald Trump’s administration has threatened human rights at home and abroad during just the first 100 days of his presidency. Assembling the list, according to the group’s U.S. head, “didn’t take long.”

Amnesty USA executive director Margaret Huang said the new list of Trump threats highlights a “level of abuse and fear” that’s unprecedented in the grassroots organization’s 55-year history. It stands in stark contrast to a White House tally of claimed accomplishments since Trump’s inauguration in January.

“Unlike his predecessors, who have at least rhetorically talked about the importance of human rights as a U.S. national interest, this president has been dismissive of human rights, dismissive of communities who’ve been subjected to some of the worst violations, and has rejected efforts to hold other governments or his own appointments accountable for protecting human rights,” Huang told HuffPost last week.

It took Amnesty staffers just “a few days” in “a really easy effort” to assemble 100 human rights threats by the Trump administration, Huang said. In fact, “we had to pare it down,” she added. Read the full list of 100 threats here Read the rest at The Huffington Post

Related: Will Broad Outlines of President Donald Trump's 'America First' Foreign Policy Mean Refugees Last? (openDemocracy)

Related: Stop Trump Movement Gives Millions to ACLU, Planned Parenthood and Other Charities to Fight His White House (Newsweek)

Related: Beyond 100 days, Trump Faces More Legislative Challenges (Associated Press)

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