The Seabin Project: Cleaning Trash from Our Oceans One Marina at a Time
Nick Lavars - Gizmag
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December 24, 2015

Ocean-Friendly Seabin Sucks Up Surrounding Sea Trash (Kickstart Invention)

The mounting plastic waste in the world's oceans has been the subject of of some pretty bold environmental undertakings, perhaps none more so than the Ocean Cleanup Project aiming to eradicate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The Seabin Project represents a smaller-scale approach, but it is noble in its aspirations all the same. Installation in ports and marinas sees this ocean-friendly trash can suck up the surrounding debris and even remove oil from the water.

Dreamed up by two Australian surfers who had grown tired of taking to the local waters amid floating plastic and rubbish, the Seabin is basically a water filtering system designed for contained environments like yacht clubs, marinas and ports. Without needing to contend with stronger currents and ocean storms, here it can chip away at pollution in visible areas where there is plenty of human activity.

It is installed on a dock and plumbed into a shore-based water pump. With the rim sitting even with the surface of the water, the pump sucks water into the bin and brings the surrounding trash, oil and detergent along for the ride. A removable catch bag made from natural fiber then gathers the debris and the water is pumped through to an (optional) oil-water separator, before being fed back into the ocean once cleaned.

The team has developed a functioning prototype, and says that it hopes to eventually produce subsequent models with the plastics collected from previously installed Seabins. It has turned to Indiegogo to raise funds for commercial production, having raised more than US$75,000 of its $230,000 goal at the time of writing. It is offering the Seabins for an early pledge of US$3,825, with shipping slated for November 2016 if all goes to plan.

See the original at Gizmag

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